
Big Data in the Big Apple

Well, we’ve had a day to get back in the office after our “Big Data in the Big Apple” conference last week. What a great success it was too! Bill “the father of data warehousing” Inmon gave a full days class of insights on Thursday and on Friday a great key note presentation.

On Wednesday Krish Krishnan was equally impressive giving us a class on Big Data. Krish knows more about big data than anyone I’ve met. It was well worth the effort to be there for all those who attended!

I myself gave a presentation on the increasing importance of the Power Data Analyst. You need to pay attention to the value of this person in your organization especially when it comes to Big Data.

If you missed it? You missed out on a great opportunity to meet the thought leaders of our industry and to network with your fellow “Big Data Professionals”. Be sure to keep in touch with us so we can let you know when the next such conference is taking place.

The Meta5 team was there in full force!

We took some snaps so that we could share them with you.

We had a lot of people coming over to meet us and to find out about who we are and what we do. Most people were amazed to find out that the core of our technology has been around for over 25 years and that it is one of the most mature products in the BI Marketplace.
It was actually pretty funny as we explained to people who we are! Everyone in “Big Data” knows the name Dr. Ralph Kimball. But almost no one knows that he was the genius behind developing the core technology in our product.

We told people Meta5 is “the better way”. And we showed them too! The demonstrations we have been developing will soon be up on our web site so make sure you link to us to be the first among your colleagues to see our new demonstrations.

When you see our demonstrations you will understand why we say.

Meta5: Making the impossible routine.

Where other people say “that is impossible” we can not only do it, we can make it routine. And we will be putting up blog posts on this topic as the weeks and months go by.

But for now…

A big THANK YOU to all those people who came to the conference!

A big THANK YOU for all those people who took the time to come to our table and listen to what we had to say. We really appreciated the opportunity to share our vision and product with you.

Thank you for your time and attention.

About the Author

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Jim Kanzler has more than 25 years of working at the leading edge of Business Intelligence Solutions. Jim is responsible for leading Meta5 and ensuring the satisfaction of our clients. Please connect to Jim on http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkanzler


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