

The telco business today in the US and Canada has become more competitive and more complicated than ever before.

Today we have many landline carriers and mobile carriers, not to mention the rise of Skype and other internet based telecommunications companies. The “big guys” from Europe have moved in such as Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone. We are seeing the rise of secure private communications companies to rival the big players because of privacy concerns. We are seeing the cable companies offer broadband and landline calling. Google is even getting in on the act. We have seen the revolution of the iphone and all the copy-cats.

The face of the telco industry today was unthinkable just 20 years ago. The ubiquitous mobile phone and the rise of tablets is putting telco “everywhere”. Google glass or similar products may well spur another revolution as dramatic as the cell phone or the ipad.

If you are a Power Data Analyst in a sizable telco? You have your work cut out for you and you know it. You do not need us to tell you how complex your business is. Whether you work in marketing, billing, debt collections, revenue assurance or network capacity planning. You are being asked to answer tough questions. Do you have the best tools and data warehouses to answer those questions?

In this dizzying array of telcos, devices, products, services and endless advertising and promotion of these products and services by your competitors? You must find a way to help your company come up with the best new ideas to promote your products and services, provision them, bill them, and collect on the bills. This is not a “one size fits all point and click and show me the report” problem. You do not buy the solution to this problem in a shrink wrapped box. This requires a complete understanding of your business and how to most effectively optimise your business using a comprehensive BI approach.

Your role as a Power Data Analyst in a major telco is as exciting as it is challenging. The complexity of the information you are faced with along with the pressure of making recommendations on faster and faster time cycles means yours has become one of the most exciting and challenging positions in telco.

Management Decision Making Process


Your job is to monitor “how is business”, develop a deep understanding of “why is our business like that”. Then, the most exciting part, the most creative part? You must think of new ideas centered on “what if we did something different?”

You can not win by thinking the same way as your competitors. “Think Different” Steve Jobs said in 1984. In doing so Steve Jobs “changed the world”. You can too!

The big decisions can not be made without solid data analysis and a high probability of success. Unfortunately the tools you have are unlikely to have kept pace.

Many of these problems do not lend themselves to “standard reporting”. They require the continued influx of new data sources. Are you endlessly cutting and pasting trying to bring together the data you need from these new and different sources to make your recommendations?

Are you asking questions like these every day of the week?

  • What are my competitors doing? Product? Pricing? Advertising?
  • How are we doing vs this period last year?
  • What is our forecast for sales? How reliable is that?
  • How can we adjust our promotion strategies for better results?
  • How do we leverage the new messaging channels?
  • How is usage doing compared to plan? How reliable is that?
  • Are we billing interconnect accurately? Are we collecting properly?
  • Are our interconnect bills accurate? Can we claw back money?
  • What is our bad debt position? How are we doing on collections?
  • What else might we change to improve our profitability?

Are you asking many, many other questions that are more complex and more detailed than these? Are you looking for help? Then look no more.

Meta5 is the worlds most sophisticated Data Analysis Desktop. Designed from the ground up to enable data analysis professionals just like you to bring together data from any source to your desktop where you can manipulate it with ease to solve your toughest problems.

Our unique visual programming interface means you, the “Power Data Analyst”, can create your own sophisticated and complex analytics without writing computer code. You can easily answer those ad-hoc questions that you have never even been able to answer before. . Questions that if answered will be the difference that keeps you business on the cutting-edge

We provide you with over 120 tools in a fully integrated Data Analysis Desktop. With this you can get your job done about 5 times faster than using other tools on the marketplace.

This is what a simple capsule” might look like. You can build capsules with hundreds of icons with the greatest of ease. Notice how easy it is to understand.


This capsule draws data from SAS, a web page, Oracle, a spreadsheet and DB2. It joins it all together and puts it in to one finished spreadsheet. This is how easy it is to integrate date in Meta5.

If you are a telco “power data analyst” for such areas as marketing, sales, billing, debt collections, revenue assurance, network capacity or provisioning and you are struggling to “get the job done” with the likes of Business Objects, Cognos, Microstrategy, Microsoft or the many other tools our there?,

If you can not get all the data in to your desktop to analyse as you want in an easy and intuitive way? We have what you need. The worlds most sophisticated and mature integrated Data Analysis Desktop. Meta5.

Want to see more? Check out our video demonstrations. Then give us a call on 866 Meta555 to find out more about Meta5.